04 June 2012
Website moved to txtbba.tamu.edu. Hosted by AgriLife Extension.
24 July 2002 – Version 1.12
Moved the website from the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi server to arishost.com (an off-campus web hosting service) with a new URL of txbba.org. Added James D. Ray’s account of the Purple Martin.
17 August 2001 – Version 1.11
Added hyperlinks to some of the other Breeding Bird Atlas Projects around the world. These links can be found by clicking on the “Links to Other Atlas Projects” at the home page.
12 July 2001 – Version 1.10
Added links to play species vocalizations for Audubon’s Oriole, Barn Swallow, Common Nighthawk, Chuck-will’s-widow, Tufted Titmouse, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Laughing Gull, Olive Sparrow and Vermilion Flycatcher. Changed the format for citing the Texas Breeding Bird Atlas.
9 July 2001 – Version 1.09
Moved the site to a new server and changed the URL to http://tbba.cbi.tamucc.edu. This server is supported with daily backups and will be more stable.
8 July 2001 – Version 1.08
Added species accounts for Altamira Oriole, Vermilion Flycatcher, Mississippi Kite, Anhinga, Eared Grebe, Ring-necked Pheasant, Common Nighthawk, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Whip-poor-will, Common Poorwill, Chuck-will’s-widow and Northern Rough-winged Swallow.
21 June 2001 – Version 1.07
Added species accounts for Mottled Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Masked Duck, Great Horned Owl, Acorn Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Western Scrub-Jay, Mexican Jay, Tufted Titmouse, Golden-cheeked Warbler and Audubon’s Oriole. Changed the format of the species account menu page. Corrected know cases where italics were needed but were previously not included. Updated Present Status page and added a hit counter to the home page.
13 June 2001 – Version 1.06
Editors removed Aztec Thrush, Evening Grosbeak, and Least Sandpiper from the official breeding bird list. Added species account for Western Kingbird.
11 June 2001 – Version 1.05
Corrected problem (I think) associated with different fonts appearing in different browser types. Increased spacing between columns on the accounts pages. Too little space was apprearing when viewed with Netscape.
08 June 2001 – Version 1.04
Changed artwork to image on Eastern Phoebe account page.
Eastern Phoebes are continuing to nest further west than we previously thought. David J. Bryant of Kingsland, in Llano County, Texas sent us a note that he has had nesting Eastern Phoebes on the porch of his home since 1992. The latilong of this location is 30098, quad F4. The phoebes havebeen not only building on the same porch, they have been building new nests on top of the old ones!
07 June 2001 – Version 1.03
Minor changes in the suggested citation.
05 June 2001 – Version 1.02
Added Olive Sparrow, Red-headed Woodpecker, Black Skimmer and Roseate Spoonbill to the species accounts. Made updates to the Present Status page. Changed format of the Species Account menu page.
31 May 2001 – Version 1.01
The present status page was changed from “under construction” to active. A long table of information about the status of the various species accounts was included. The table indicates the species name, the author assigned to write the species account (if assigned), whether permissions have been obtained, if artwork or images are available and whether the page is actually on the Web. Comments and questions about the species account assignments should be addressed to Karen Benson.
The link from the home page “Contact Information” was changed to read “News and Information.” The contact information has been moved to the bottom of the home page.
Known typographical errors on the long species list under “Range Maps” have been corrected.
The Whimbrel and Wilson’s Warbler were removed from the breeding species list.